Today Dick and I fished the Lamprey and Cocheco Rivers. They were stocked with small rainbows and browns a couple weeks ago by the NH Fish and Game dept and yesterday by a private stocking group - Three Rivers Stocking Association. We had the Lamprey at Packer Falls to ourselves and some 14-16-inch rainbows and a couple smaller 'bows and browns were given a little exercise. We then went to Wiswall Dam on the Lamprey River and each got a couple smaller rainbows. Hundreds of really big rainbows were recently stocked, but they must still be digesting hatchery pellets, since we only got smaller fish there. We then went to the Cocheco River at Watson Dam and got a couple more feisty rainbows. Great day to be out. Next weekend the Isinglass River is scheduled to be stocked, making this once again one of the few places for late-season fishing in southern NH and handy to the greater Boston fly anglers. If you fish there, be sure to send a check or online donation to Three Rivers, so they can continue their stocking activities.
Also, I saw a strange bird at the Cocheco River. I swear it was a snowy egret! Take a look and tell me what you think! It looked like it was shivering and it was definitely not an albino heron. I think it was a Florida bird that had a hankerin' for trout!
Ornithological update: Matt called me this morning (thanks Matt) to confirm that it is an egret - a great egret, in fact. Check it out: